Zoodata Invited to Internship Round Table

The recent CCIWA/Murdoch SME Roundtable gathered feedback on WIL programs, internships and strengthening Universities/Corporate partnerships.

Last Thursday Managing Director Robyn Hukin was invited to a CCIWA/Murdoch SME roundtable discussion focusing on Work Integrated Learning, internships, and creating new partnerships between universities, businesses and industry. Naturally, as Zooodata has had a lot of experience with a range of institutions and internship models, Robyn had quite a bit to say. We are passionate about providing our students with a meaningful placement, and believe most have gained more than they expected from choosing to be placed with a SME rather than a large corporate consultancy.

CCI's WIL model at Curtin's Business School has been a big winner for us, as has ECU's internal Science & Engineering internships. Both have resulted in Zoodata hiring several new staff members.

Particular thanks go to CCIWA's Jane Cass who has been a brilliant matchmaker for us!